Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Kingdom Life

What does the manifestion of the Kingdom of God look like for us here on earth? Catholics pray every Sunday and Jesus teaches all to pray for His Kingdom to Come.

The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that a farmer goes and plants. It is the smallest of seeds but it yields the biggest plant in the entire garden. The Kingdom of God is like yeast which a woman puts into a large amount of flour until it is worked through the entire dough. The Kingdom of God is like a hidden treasure in a field that when a man found it he sold everything he owned and bought the entire field. The Kingdom of God is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. Once he finds one of great value he sells everything to buy that one. The Kingdom of God is like a net that catches a huge amount of fish. The good fish will be kept and the bad fish will be discarded. (Matthew 13)

The rules of the Kingdom are much different than the rules of society. Misty Edwards describes the Kingdom of God saying, "It's the inside, outside, upside down Kingdom where you lose to gain, and you die to live." One day the Kingdom of the world will become the Kingdom of the Lord, our God. But how can we begin to live in the Kingdom of God here, now, today?

By enjoying the pure pleasures found in God that are readily available for us here on earth. A swim in the pool, a trip to a lake, enjoying a meal with a brother or sister, gardening, being creative in the arts, building is a return to child like pleasures. Who must one be like to enter the Kingdom of God? A child. Innocent, pure, lovely, playful, free...children do not carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, they do not stress, they don't muse on the past or fuss about the future, they live for the present moment.

It is my prayer that we could come close to Jesus today by being the beautiful people he created us to be. Casting all our anxiety upon him, letting go, and enter into a Kingdom lifestyle. And this is just the beginning....oh the Faith in the Kingdom, oh the restoration, oh the health, oh the worship and adoration of the Lord our God, oh the power of the Holy Spirit, oh the battle to keep and advance the Kingdom, oh oh oh.

O Jesus our King...would you reign today? Would you take your place on the throne in our hearts? Would you show us your love, compassion, and mercy today? Would you arm us with the spiritual battle gear needed? O Jesus, you are the mighty, the awesome, the beautiful King. We adore you today.

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